Valeria Prieto
- Annual Report 2006.
Marc De Caraffe. President CIAV - Wuxi forum on the conservation of Chinese vernacular architecture report.
Wuxi proposal on vernacular built heritage conservation of China. - HUL iniciative.
A call to participate. Scientific Council. - Next Conferences and Meetings
4.1 International Committee on Risk Preparedness (ICORP)
4.2 ICOMOS Advisory Committee, Scientific Council, and Executive Committee meetings
4.3 ICOMOS International Wood Committee
4.4 Conference in Transylvania
4.5 Cátedra UNESCO Turismo Cultural. Untref/Aamba
4.6 International Conference on the study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage in
collaboration with Africa 2009
4.7 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia - Other News
5.1 Heritage at Risk report 2006/2007
5.2 Agreement between ICOMOS and UIA
5.3 International day on monuments and sites 2007. Cultural landscapes and monuments of nature
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